Questions and answers: Tim Ingalsbee and Karin Riley.
Colleen Morton Busch, author, "Fire Monks".
Pyroganda on Praxis: FUSEE, Dr. Tim Ingalsbee
This video adaptation from a play was done in 2012 by the OSU College of Forestry Media Center. Like the play itself, it is designed to explore what we value about forests. Target audiences are…
Forrest Paints, Eugene, Oregon, is the developer and producer of Hemp Shield, a hemp oil-based deck treatment. Hemp Shield is one of many examples of this companies leadership through innovation. The…
Thinning Young Stands, 1098 DVD. This video describes the important role that lichens and bryophytes play in forest ecosystems, and explains why these organisms are less common in young managed…
FMC_903_VT. Provides information to improve decisions and operations involving the design and use of designated skid trails. Benefits of designated skid trails are discussed, as well as factors…
FMC 850. An in-depth look at causes of forest soil compaction, its effects on productivity, and some management alternatives for reducing compaction and restoring compacted lands. Focuses on recent…