Search for tag: "evaluation"
AI Seminar 24 - Shusen LiuToward Addressing Evaluation and Explanation Challenges in Scientific ML Applications
From Prasad Tadepalli
3 plays
Faculty Senate February 9, 2012 Part 3AGENDA ITEM B - COMMITTEE REPORTS - ITEM 3 Student Evaluation of Teaching Task Force. Bill Loges, member, provides an update on the progress of the task force.
From Vickie L Nunnemaker (retired)
11 plays
Faculty Senate Jan 12, 2012 Part 4AGENDA ITEM D - SPECIAL REPORT Electronic Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Update Gita Ramaswamy, Director, Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation, will provide an update of the…
From Vickie L Nunnemaker (retired)
16 plays