Search for tag: "cattle"
Introduction to Utilization MonitoringIn this first of 3 videos on utilization monitoring, locating key areas is explained. The balance method for utilization, a simplified method of monitoring, is demonstrated. The difference between…
From Sergio Arispe
64 plays
A Rancher's Perspective on Determining Stocking RatesThis 7:30 minute video outlines some basic principles for determining stocking rates including: using historical data; being flexible; stocking conservatively; blending science with the art of…
From Sergio Arispe
63 plays
Where Do You Collect Forage Production Data?This 4:30 video describes basic principles for locating monitoring sites for determining forage production. The importance of utilizing soils information in locating key areas is also explained.
From Sergio Arispe
38 plays
Who\'s Coming to Dinner?Examines the eating habits of cows, sheep, horses, and goats, and explores how forage selection, pugging, trampling, and fencing contribute to a pasture\'s health and sustainability.
From Sandy L Reichhuber (retired)
120 plays