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"March of the Spanish Soldiery," 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 34 plays

"Toast to the Team," 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 3 plays

"Hail to Old OSC," 1953

The Oregon State Athletics fight song. Released…

From  Christoffer Petersen 18 plays

"Storm King," 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 7 plays

"Mighty Beavers," 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 15 plays

"Roadways," 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 4 plays

"Alma Mater," (OSC Band and Glee Club performance) 1953

An extended version of the OSC Alma Mater,…

From  Christoffer Petersen 27 plays

"Indiana State Band" (March), 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 5 plays

"OSC Medley," 1953

Released on the album, "Songs of Oregon…

From  Christoffer Petersen 3 plays

"Oregon State Creed" (Part 2 of 2), 1950

Words by E. T. Reed, music by Joseph Brye and…

From  Christoffer Petersen 7 plays

"Alma Mater," (OSC Choir performance) 1950

Words by Homer Maris, arranged by Joseph Brye and…

From  Christoffer Petersen 22 plays

"Hail to Old OSC," 1950

The Oregon State Athletics fight song. Words by…

From  Christoffer Petersen 96 plays

"Oregon State Creed" (Part 1 of 2), 1950

Words by E. T. Reed, music by Joseph Brye and…

From  Christoffer Petersen 31 plays