On April 21st, 2015, Thomas Buergenthal spoke to us in a double capacity: first, as a survivor of Auschwitz, whose experiences during the Holocaust are chronicled in his highly acclaimed memoir,
A Lucky Child; and second, as a renowned legal scholar who has throughout his career labored to make international law an ever-more-effective tool in combating human rights abuses. During his academic career, he has held a series of chairs in distinguished schools of law and is currently the Lobingier Professor of Comparative Law and Jurisprudence at the George Washington University School of Law. He has also served as a judge on several international tribunals that deal heavily in human rights cases, including the International Court of Justice (a.k.a. “The World Court”).
Professor Buergenthal is the 2015 recipient of the Elie Weisel Award, a recognition granted annually by the United States Holocaust Memorial museum to honor “internationally prominent individuals whose actions have advanced the Museum’s vision of a world where people confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.”
In his talk at OSU, Professor Buergenthal discusses his experiences during World War II and his perspectives on what international law has done, and what it can be expected to do, to combat persecution and protect human rights.
At Oregon State University, we have observed Holocaust Memorial Week every year since 1987. This program grows from the belief that educational institutions can do much to combat prejudice of all kinds, and to foster respect for the diversity that is America, by promoting an awareness of the Holocaust, perhaps the most horrific historical indicator of the high cost of prejudice. It is particularly important to teach young people about the Holocaust, so that coming generations will not forget the lessons that a preceding one learned at such cost. This emphasis recalls the motto of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: "For the dead and the living, we must bear witness."
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Holocaust Memorial Program | | Oregon State University