Research on the Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise of the Humboldt Bay Spent Nuclear Fuel Site and Community-led Future Planning
Alec is a graduate student in the Natural Resources department at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California. He is assisting his advisor Jennifer Marlow (Team 3 CoPe Investigator) on a project to document vulnerabilities and explore possible futures for Humboldt Bay’s spent nuclear fuel in the context of sea level rise, coastal hazards, and community-based solutions.
Alec’s research interests include the linkages between coastal resiliency and the human dimensions driving governance, adaptation, and collaboration. Alec studied as an environmental science and management undergrad at Humboldt State University and, over the past 6 years, has made invaluable connections with the unique people and natural systems that abound here. He loves fishing, cliff diving, hiking the redwood trails, and swimming in the rivers.
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