Mechanics-informed machine learning for geospatial modeling of soil liquefaction: surrogate models for simulation and near-real-time response in Cascadia Dr. Brett Maurer (UW)
In this talk Dr. Brett Maurer will highlight findings from his
Cascadia CoPes Hub pilot project. The project applies ground-motion simulations and artificial intelligence to predict the effects of soil liquefaction during earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). Data produced from the project will be made available for ongoing studies of landslides, tsunamis, and other earthquake-related events.
EXTRA! Also in this seminar Dr. Christie Hegermiller will provide us with a brief introduction to her new Cascadia CoPes Hub pilot project, which also involves Hub graduate student Ryan Chiu, Postdoc Karthik Venkataramani, and community partner and community engagement specialist Sanpisa Sritrairat of Washington Sea Grant and Washington Coastal Hards Organizational resilience Team (COHORT).