User Experience Test 2
My niece, Autumn Gross, 7 years old
Includes footage from development of Ko and Amaya, week 7 of development
May also include footage from A Boy And His Blob (for comparison testing)
Recorded with Bandicam
She plays A Boy And His Blob
"Cmon Blob!"
"Do you just have to say Blob?"
"Yup. Do you like that, when he says, 'Blob'"
"The sign says we need to use the hole.
"Wait, let's say Blob so he comes back."
"Black blob, black blob cmon black blob."
"Let's go. Sooorryyyyy!"
"Alright so how do you get there?"
"Ahh, now that's ginormous!"
"Call blob"
"Ugh, I'm scared, you do this part. If we die, it's all your fault."
Now what do you do now?
"Um, Blob!"
"Alright, tab. And then you, um, nope that's not it. There."
"You pointed it at you, not me."
"No noo, please please, I wanna keep playing."
"oops. I told you not to. That boy must've gotten really hurt."
"So we should go under?"
"My bad, sorry about that. I'm scared!"
"Oh come on."
"Push it, hurry!"
"Eww. Just disgusting."
"That boy is courageous... I know I know!"
"Nooo. Can we please play Amaya?"
"I guess Kaiden left."