User Experience Test 3
My niece, Autumn Gross, 7 years old
Includes footage from development of Ko and Amaya, week 7 of development
May also include footage from A Boy And His Blob (for comparison testing)
Recorded with Bandicam
"Doo doo doo doo, Amaya and Ko. Amaya and Koooo!"
She reads it aloud.
(Why isn't 'e' working?)
"Can you do the hard part for me? No turning back this time."
"Amaya, Amaya, Amaya! .. Ko? Ko?"
"Wheeeeee, end of the world."
You wanna do this one?
"Yea. Besides, this is the prettiest. and all you have to do is walk.
Right here it's gonna say, oh there's my neighbor's house.
"When is it gonna say it?"
Oh, I haven't put it in yet.
She shows susceptibility to the lullaby music.
"It's so sad her brother died."
"Crouch down, cuz there might be monster around. I really hope you never put it in. That would be so scare."
"No more crouching, it's time to go find him!"
"Wait, what? Where are we going?"
"That's the easiest level, but this is also easy, cuz when you fall in the water, it doesn't restart."
"Brother, I'm coming!"
"Whee Oh, that was easy.
"Nooo... It's always hard getting up on that. Thank you."
"Brother! So Amaya knows that her brother is dead?"
How old do you think she is?
"She's seven?!"
I don't know. I was asking.
Is that how old you are? Seven?
"Yah, until May 11th."
"Like even if it's little like can it get up on that thing? Cuz it's little? Whee! No, I wanna get up there. It's hard to get up there. I wanna press crouch.
Whee, no no no yaaay aww. Back up.
Ow ow ow, brother I... can't get up there.
Skipping along the water
Amaya skipping along, wait put he on the top. Doo doo do doo
So you can go down that slow?
"I'm gonna crouch. Haha, no I'm scared."
"I love her with colors when she crouches down."
"When she hits the ground I'm gonna crouch."
When she's wet and crouching she shivers.