A collection of news packages and public service announcements produced by OSU News and Communications, circa 1979. Timestamps, topics and interviewees (where identified) are itemized as follows:
0:00 - methanol in vehicles (John Mingle)
2:10 - new variety of Easter lily (A.N. Roberts)
4:05 - Gerontology students working with the elderly (Vickie Schmall)
6:26 - plant pathologists visiting from China
8:29 - earthquake monitoring system (Michael Fehler)
10:19 - rabbit production (Nephi Patton)
12:40 - burning grass seed fields
15:09 - solar radiation monitoring system
16:58 - generating electricity on small streams (Pete Klingeman)
19:26 - Engineering students entering the private sector (Fred Burgess)
21:46 - fluidized bed combuster (Dwight Bushnell)
23:58 - OSU Rifle Team
25:46 - "Thundering Seas" art program (Delphine Kreilscheimer)
28:27 - acid rain impact on crops
30:30 - income tax evasion
32:19 - gray whale migration (Bruce Mate)
34:40 - "Learning Can Be Made Fun" -- Marine Science Center PSA
35:19 - "Made Better By OSU" -- OSU's impact on industry PSA
35:47 - improving Oregon's roads PSA
36:26 - energy conservation PSA
37:36 - solar energy PSA
38:14 - School of Forestry PSA
39:20 - "Putting Our Knowledge to Work" -- conservation and energy research PSA
41:44 - growth of the Marine Science Center
43:51 - "Teaching, Research and Service" -- general OSU PSA
Digitized from a Umatic original held in the News and Communication Services Motion Picture Films and Videotapes (FV 057), Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries.