"Older than Average at Oregon State University," Dean of Students Office training video, circa 1980s
From Christoffer Petersen April 30th, 2018
From Christoffer Petersen April 30th, 2018
Orientation videotape for older than average students (25 years or older) at Oregon State University that focuses on issues and concerns experienced by older than average students. Includes Nancy Vanderpool, Assistant Dean of Students and Staff Coordinator for OTA; Les Dunnington, Assistant Director of the Counseling Center; Richard Pahre, Director of Financial Aid; Don Sanderson, Director of Student Activities; and Will Holsberry, Director of Recreational Sports. Also includes footage of the Experimental College, the rental typewriter program, ASOSU legal advising, the Craft Center, Memorial Union, and Dixon Recreation Center is, as well as scenes of the OSU campus on a rainy day.
Digitized from a Umatic original held in the Dean of Students Office Records (RG 285), Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries.