User Experience Test 1
My niece, Autumn Gross, 7 years old
Includes footage from development of Ko and Amaya, week 7 of development
May also include footage from A Boy And His Blob (for comparison testing)
Recorded with Bandicam
Notes from UX Test 1 video
reload to after the most recent dialogue, or prevent repeated dialogue cues.
She noticed Amaya wasn't getting too wet.
She really liked falling at the end of the level.
Called out, "Brother! Brother..." on the easy level. She asked about the story at this time. Was engaged with the story.
"I bet she really misses her brother."
She asked how he died, and I told her he saved her in the water and drowned.
"Yah, I would be so sad if my brother died. Even though sometimes he's mean to me, I'd be sad."
"Whee!" "I almost fell in."
"I like the color better so I'm gonna crouch. Why is she grey?"
"Whee! Nooo! I'm flying! Amaya's sinking!"
"I can't believe her brother died because of the water."
She enjoyed walking on water because she knew she shouldn't be able to.
She enjoyed waiting for Amaya to slowly slide down the ramp. "She's going so sloooow."
"When does the badguy show up?" She was scared of the badguy. "Oh thank God, please never put him in."
"It's time to fall to the end of the world. Bye Amaya!"
She enjoyed the development artifacts.